Welcome to the Spitfire AA810 project page, a project dedicated to the memory of all the men of the Photographic Reconnaissance Unit who risked, and gave, their lives during the Second World War.
Flying deep into enemy territory, mostly unarmed and devoid of protection of any sort, these men photographed the movements of enemy supplies, men, ships and planes to gain the vital intelligence for Allied Commanders to plot the strategy of the war.
The Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (PRU) worked for all the branches of the armed forces in all theatres bringing home the crucial up to date information required to keep the Allies ahead.
Largely the PRU’s efforts have disappeared into history and with the levels of automation in the development of satellite imaging and unmanned aerial vehicle technology we are unlikely to ever send crews to carry out these missions again.
Few of the men involved have been credited with the work they carried out, this small band of brothers, who suffered considerable casualties and, due to the nature of their missions, those that were lost will most likely never be found. Now, fortunately, one of those lost Spitfires has been found and is under rebuild to flying condition, so the stories of the men that flew it can be told. Through this venture we hope to raise more awareness worldwide of the sacrifices the PRU made.
This project is for them all.